#001. ラグジュアリーな時間 – One & Only

ポッドキャスト One & Onlyカバーアート

『One & Only』 は、満足度の高い充実した時間を過ごしたい方のための、

このポッドキャストでは、イギリスのビジネス・文化雑誌『Monocle』が制作・配信するポッドキャスト『The Entrepreneurs』の英語インタビューの一部を使用・紹介しながら、”ビジネス × 英語 × コーチング” の視点からコンテンツを構成しています。

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ポッドキャスト『One & Only』






『Òne & Only』内で紹介したインタビューの簡易トランスクリプト・簡易日本語はこちらから

My intention was always to make beautiful, high quality thoughtful perfumes.
私の意図は いつも(to以下のこと)でした 作ること 美しい、高品質の考えられた香水を

I think niche perfumery became a little bit overcooked in my opinion, a little pretentious some may say.
私は思います ニッチな香水は (became以下に)なりました 少しやや過剰 私が思うに、少し気取っている、何人かは言うかもしれない(≒という人もいるかもしれない)

So I wanted an idea of a framing device/ that was quite simple.
だから、私は欲しかった アイデアが フレームの 非常にシンプルな

and I thought that my other great passionate life is traveling.
また、私は(that以下のことを)思った 私の人生の他の情熱的なテーマは~であると 旅すること

Let’s marry the two. 組み合わせよう その2つを

It was quite an obvious thing to do. それは~だった とても 明らかなこと そうするのは

what I’m inspired by travel I’m really inspired by places I go.

and I think perfume is very 3D, it’s not 2D, it’s not flat and static as that of music.
私は思う 香水は~である 非常に立体的、~ではない 2D、~ではない 平面的で静的ではない 音楽と同じように 

Travel for me is the starting point always for a perfume idea.
旅は~である 私にとって 出発点 いつも 香水のアイデア。

Places I’ve been, places I love, places I think have got a character, something to say it is personal.

somewhere where I go and I get out of the airport I feel something.
訪れる場所 空港を出て 感じる 何かを。

and I think this place has got something to say for itself. it had its own character so vibration.
私は思う 訴えかけるなにかがある そこは 心動かされる何かがある。

It’s telling me something that I think I can translate into a perfume. これを香水で表現できると考えている。

Monocle『The Entrepreneur』Transcript

You’re listening to Eureka on Monocle radio brought to you by the team behind the entrepreneurs. The show is all about inspiring people innovative companies and fresh ideas in global business. I’m Tom Edwards. Something fragrant for you on this week’s episode. yes. we’re talking about perfume. Nick Stewart is the founder and creator of Gallivant, a London-based perfume house with a range of unisex fragrances inspired by cities and destinations around the world, from the sunny beaches of Los Angeles to the vibrant streets of Tokyo. Gallivant’s award-winning sense is wanderlust in a bottle. so how do you go about capturing the essence of travel? How do you put escapism in a scent? here is Nick Steward with more on how the journey began.

My intention was always to make beautiful, high-quality thoughtful perfumes. I think niche perfumery became a little bit overcooked in my opinion, a little pretentious some may say. So I wanted an idea of a framing device that was quite simple. and I thought that my other great passionate life is traveling. Let’s marry the two. it was quite an obvious thing to do. what I’m inspired by travel I’m really inspired by places I go. and I think perfume is very 3D, it’s not 2D, it’s not flat and static as that of music. Travel for me is the starting point always for a perfume idea. Places I’ve been, places I love, places I think have got a character, something to say it is personal. somewhere where I go and I get out of the airport I feel something. and I think this place has got something to say for itself. it had its own character so vibration. It’s telling me something that I think I can translate into perfume.

It’s hard to find the vocabulary for perfumery. A part of the problem is the jargon. You know we love talking about the raw materials, most of which you’ve never heard of. You’ve got no idea what we’re talking about. We’d like to sort out our chords; typical chords would be like a fougere or cypre. These are the things from perfumery from France 100 years ago. Most of the customers never know what we’re talking about. so forget the vocabulary, forget trying to put the word to what you can smell. Just try and imagine you’re listening to a piece of music. It’s a similar feeling. what do you feel, what does it make you feel inside. It’s the most important thing in perfume. That’s how you should judge a good perfume.

Our perfumes are because they’re very very interesting and original and I’m going to say quite complex or smell very different on different people. your own skin you’re a perception of the perfume to make it smell different to you. This is what artisan perfumer is about. We don’t want you to smell like everybody else. we want you to smell like you’re wearing your own perfume. so I don’t, for example, want the perfumes to be too synthetic, or too stable. I want them to sing and dance in your skin and come to life for you. It is like a signature scent. that they’ll smell different on you. they’ll smell different on you sometimes even depending on your mood. because your brain is going to perceive the smell differently.

I always work with other perfumers. Perfumery is, I think, like a lot of creative endeavors. Something you don’t really do on your own. It’s a bit like a tennis match. you know your sort of loving the ball back and forth. and what you really need is the luxury of time. Our Los Angeles perfume which we won an award for in 2020 that started with me standing on Sunset Boulevard in 2016, I think, it was. Taking a photograph, sending it to a friend in Paris, saying look at the colors, look at the sunset wouldn’t just make a great perfume? Then four years later, we found out the formula and launched a perfume. So that’s long. typically you want 12 to 14 months in creative development. so yeah you need the luxury of time. That’s the biggest thing I need. we’re a business that works very slowly and might take us 2 to 4 years to make a formula. We’re trying to release one this year. I won’t unveil the destination but it’s a different continent even for us. We get a lot of demand for home fragrances. I mean that really took off during the pandemic when everyone seemed to be at home burning candles and scenting their interior space. so yes we take our time. but actually making a really great candle is a really hard job. I know everyone thinks, oh I can make a candle to mix some oils in wax. I’m not doing it that way, it needs a lot of technical work. but hopefully later this year, you may see some home products from us.





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